Lot 1882 - Numismatic Auction 7

Lot 1882

Oval bronze medal 1706. For Loyalty and Valor. Commemorating the Battle of Kalisz. Unsigned copy of an original by G. Haupt. Bust, ... Read more
Starting price:
150,00 CHF


Lot status:
Auction closed


Oval bronze medal 1706. For Loyalty and Valor. Commemorating the Battle of Kalisz. Unsigned copy of an original by G. Haupt. Bust, laureate, cuirassed and draped to r. Rev. Peter I galloping over battlefield, a hand out of the clouds, holding laurel wreath over his head. 32,99 g. Diakov 24.3. Smirn. 176. Extremely fine.
The Battle of Kalisz took place in Poland as part of the Great Northern War, seeing Sweden pitted against an alliance of Saxony, Russia and Poland/Lithuania. Actually being superfluous, the Treaty of Altranstädt having been duly signed, the battle took place because August of Saxony did not inform the Russian commander Alexander Menshikov of this event. August later had to apologize to Charles XII of Sweden and Czar Peter I for this incident.

Овальная бронзовая медаль 1706. За верность и мужество. Битва при Калише. Копия без подписи с оригинала Г.Гаупта. Бюст Петра I вправо в лавровом венке, латах и мантии. Рев. Петр I на скачущем коне, в латах и развевающейся мантии. Рука с неба держит над головой царя лавровый венок. 32,99 г. Дьяков 24.3. Смирнов 176. Отличное
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